Outpost 217 

                     is up to the challenge



 2004 Big "E" Camp
 "E" For Excellence in Camping

Mar 19-21, 2004 - Valley of Fire State Park


Josiah and Adam discussing camp setup

Josiah working on the Chippewa kitchen

Commander Dave demonstrates some lashing to Adam and Cody

Our neighbors in the distance (Outpost 182)

Josiah cooking up some Buffalo-hump ribs for the Staff

Pastor Jim enjoying some shade in the 90 degree record weather

Adam, Mike and Josiah relaxing in the shade

Everything must be perfect

Cody working on a native shelter

Pastor Jim and Commander Dave watch the boys do all the work

Mike's checkin' out the evaporator (cooler)

Josiah delivering dinner 

to the staff

Adam stands guard the entrance to the fort

Cody getting ready to welcome some guests "Say Cheese!"

Fort Paiute members

Outpost 182's "Burning Bush"

Outpost 182 says "Good Morning"

Outpost 311's Entrance Way

Outpost 217all dressed up for assembly

Commander Dave sings for the camp

Always time for climbing around on some rocks

The staff discuss their battle plans

Ironhawk sharing God's Word Sunday morning worship

Ironhawk and Andrew discuss the gauntlet

Outpost 217 showoff their awards

Winner of the 2004 Big "E" Award

Congratulations guys! 


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