Rangers make good 

mountain MEN!


 2005 FCF Spring Trace

Apr 15-17 - Tehachapi, CA

Sunny, 37-80 deg

Everyone watches Ironhawk make the evening cobbler

Looks like Scotty is making fun of his dad again POP! Goes the Weasel (right outside of 6-strings lodge) Ironhawk is the first to sample the cobbler

Ethan and Desert Tortoise warm up by the fire Devon and Josiah swapping some tall tales I'm sure Doc and Scotty Road Horse (N Cal) share some laughs with Little Coyote 

Josiah lookin' around for some early mornin' grub 6-Strings and Josiah lookin' for that weasel Making a sheath for the black powder rifle Making a canteen from a gourd

Early morning sunrise on the camp



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Royal Rangers Emblem © 1962 by the national Royal Rangers Office, The General Council of the Assemblies of God; Springfield, Missouri 65802-1894. The Royal Rangers Emblem may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronically, mechanically, photocopies, recording, or otherwise—without prior written permission from the national Royal Rangers Office.