Ranger Kids Camp at Mtn. View, NV  Oct 03

"Won't need this; 

no mosquitoes!!"

Ben and Sam 

show off their tent

"Let everyone else setup camp, I'm fine right here" Brandon works on his tent

Everyone gathers around for the Council Fire Two Feathers tells one of his tall tales

Morning sunshine 

on the camp

Lot's of room 

for the campers

The fire department puts on a demonstration for the boys One BIG can opener

"Who wants to have 

a water fight?"

Joe gives everyone a shower
The boys get ready for morning assembly The boys gets some practice hammering nails James and the rest work off some serious energy Jose' and James take their turn at the hammer station

Joe shows how to milk 

a very quite cow

Ben is still looking for that GOLD

Brandon takes his turn 

at the rope bridge

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