The sky's the limit 

for these guys


 Wheeler Peak, NV Hike

8.4 Miles - Elev. 13306

Jul 2-5, 2004

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Alex, Andrew and Josiah wave to let us know they made it to the top

Food never tastes as good as at the 'top of the world'


Commander Dave signs everyone into the "I made it" book

An airplane glider soars right over us when we reach the top

Incredible scenery


Commander Dave stands next to the abyss

Looking down where we started from

Congratulations guys!!!

Mule deer everywhere on the way down

...and now the AFTER photograph

A view of Wheeler Peak from our camp

One nice mule deer coming close to camp

Josiah, Alex and Andrew would rather kayak than fish

Josiah, Alex and Andrew explore a mountain cave

Another look at Wheeler from 20 miles away

Just relaxing around camp


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