As of: 11-15-04 


1)      ONLY OFFICIAL PINEWOOD DERBY KITS may be used.  Any part of a B.S.A. kit may not be substituted for an official kit part.


2)      Cars entered into competition previous years may not be used again for any type of competition.  Only one car per classification may be entered per person.


3)      All cars will be registered for competition.  When registered, the car will be assigned a number.  THE CAR MUST BE READY FOR COMPETITION AT THIS TIME!


4)      Only the car’s owner may enter a car into competition.  The owner of the car must be present to compete.


5)      Only the car’s owner and starters may handle the car after it’s been registered.  No additional adjustments or lubrication will be allowed.


6)      If a car or any of its parts leave the track before it crosses the finish line, it will be no contest; the heat will be re-run.  IF THE SAME CAR OR ANY OF ITS PARTS LEAVE THE TRACK AGAIN BEFORE IT CROSSES THE FINISH LINE, IT WILL BE DISQUALIFIED FOR THE REST OF THE DAY.


7)      No starting devices are allowed.


8)      Each class is divided into two judging categories; cars may be entered into either OR both.

a)      Race – Car with the fastest cumulative times.

b)      Show - A car registered for “Show” competition will be judged against the following:

i)        Originality: The creative idea for the car.

ii)       Workmanship: The skill to make the car, not store bought decals and decorations.

iii)     Color and Appearance: Quality and detail, neat and clean

iv)     Every car must adhere to all the rules for that class, even if it is registered for “Show” competition.


 9)      There are 8 Classes:

a)      Ranger Kids

b)      Discovery Rangers

c)      Adventure Rangers

d)      Expedition Rangers

e)      Open (open to Ranger family members)

f)        Super-Stock

g)      Unlimited

h)      Commander


10)    Classes A thru E and H - Size, weights, and specifications:

a)      A car will not be more than 7-1/2” in length.

b)      A car will not be more than 2-3/4” in width.

c)      A car will not be more than 3” in height.

d)      A car will not be more than 6 oz. (170 grams).

e)      There must be 3/8” minimum clearance from the bottom of the wheels to the lowest part of the car.

f)        Weights and decorations must be a permanent part of the car.

g)      Wheels, axles, dowels, and the screws for the wheels may not be modified.  Painting, sanding off burrs or ridges, and polishing is allowed.  No drilling holes, thinning tires, or changing the shape of the screws and axles is allowed.

h)      No bearings, bushings or metal to metal contact in the running gear is allowed.


11)    Class F (Super-Stock) - Size, weights, and specifications:

a.                   With the exception of rule 10G of these rules, all other rules are the same.


12) Class G (Unlimited) - Size, weights, and specifications:

a.                   Wheels are to be used for their proper intent and purposes.

b.                  A car will not be more than 12” in length.

c.                   A car’s width can’t interfere with another car.

d.                  A car will not be more than 32 oz. (908 grams).

e.                   There must be 3/8” minimum clearance from the bottom of the wheels to the lowest part of the car.

f.                    A car may have bearings, bushings or metal to metal contact in the running gear.

g.                   Wheels, screws, and axles may be modified.