EVERYONE gets into it at
the Family Camp


2004 Family Camp
Jun 10-13, 2004 - Duck Creek, UT

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Ryan and Cody showing off their Frontiersmen outfit

Joy and Emily and a very 'candid' shot

Everyone can hardly wait for dinner

The "World's BEST Spaghetti!"

Jamie sure is happy about something

Time for some cave exploring


Zachary and Conner make their own way in the cave

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Commander Mark has to use a net for this monster fish

Lynn brings in some fish as well

Joy anxiously waiting for her fish

Mike and Earl just relaxing while fish jump into the net

Mike and Earl show off their catch

Zachary spends time hanging around dad

Josiah, Cody and Earl enjoy watching Mike the fish

Ahhh! Pie cooked in a Dutch oven

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