FCF Merit Camp at Valley of Fire, NV  - Nov 03

Josiah and Devon spend time checking out trade goods Ironhawk teaches the Ropecraft merit Andrew and Alex work on their granny knots Our "Home Sweet Home"

Living in the Desert "Desert Tortoise" AKA Cmdr Jerry looks for a quiet spot  Nathaniel practices his compass work Two Young Bucks escape to a peak for some fellowship

Josiah admiring a Mountainman display of goods Cmdr Mark and Josiah teach the Tool Craft merit Just like being in school, only outside Lot's to learn!

Nathaniel works on a tinfoil dinner for his Cooking merit  Cody attempts a Teepee fire for his Firecraft merit Michael performs a rare trick with a fire burning from the top, down  A mighty hungry crew waiting for their dinners to finish cooking!

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