Klingon golf anyone (Click to Enlarge)


Ranger Kids Camp

Oct 7th-8th, 2005 - Mountain View Assembly of God

A day of FUN and ADVENTURE just for Ranger Kids!

     Hold your mouse over the picture for a caption...

Time for a group photo (Click to Enlarge) Say cheeeese! (Click to Enlarge) Starting off with a good breakfast (Click to Enlarge) Commander Grant teaching the game rules (Click to Enlarge) Klingon golf anyone (Click to Enlarge)

Check out his technique (Click to Enlarge) Lot's of spin (Click to Enlarge) Left-handed even (Click to Enlarge) Success!  (Click to Enlarge) A 3-pointer!!  (Click to Enlarge)

  Sticking your tongue out helps (Click to Enlarge) What a farm!  (Click to Enlarge) Look out major leagues! (Click to Enlarge) Watch out all you cows!  (Click to Enlarge) Feet first (Click to Enlarge)

Updside down (Click to Enlarge) Head first (Click to Enlarge) Drving the nail game (Click to Enlarge) Concentrating (Click to Enlarge) Keeping a good eye on it (Click to Enlarge)

He's gonna build houses when he grows up (Click to Enlarge) Make the other bucket move (Click to Enlarge) More water (Click to Enlarge) Don't spill (Click to Enlarge) Every drop counts (Click to Enlarge)

Commander's have to carry the water above their head!  (Click to Enlarge) Learning to use the moon walker (Click to Enlarge) The race is on (Click to Enlarge) Award time (Click to Enlarge)


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