Tool Craft Merit Changes

As of 11/25/03


Disclaimer: This information is meant to highlight and illustrate instructions covered in the Tool Craft Merit and does not attempt to replace any teaching in the lesson. Clarifications in italics have been approved by the National Royal Rangers Ministries office. Please refer to the Tool Craft Merit lesson in the Leaders RED Merit Reference book for complete details.


  • Common Sense: (see lesson plan)
  • Courtesy: Always say, "thank you" when receiving a tool and "you're welcome" when giving a tool to another person.
  • Safety: (see lesson plan)

POCKET KNIFE & SHEATH KNIFE (FCF only) (p.331-332)

  • The Sheath Knife is for FCF only and will not be used in Royal Rangers. (p.329)
  • Be able to name the 11 parts of a Pocket Knife (not a Sheath Knife)
  • Carrying a Pocket Knife: Closed
  • Carrying a Sheath Knife: Sheathed
  • Passing a Pocket Knife: Closed (taught in class to pass the same as a unsheathed knife to form good habits)
  • Passing a Sheath Knife: Passed IN THE SHEATH. In the event that is not possible…grasp the blade of the knife between your thumb and fingertips, keeping the edge facing upward and outward at a natural angle. The person receiving the knife will grasp the handle of the knife. (Right hand to left hand or left hand to right hand...Thank you, you're welcome)

BOW SAW (p.333-334)
  • The only cutting tool Discovery Rangers use for large objects; they will not use the hand ax.
  • Never attempt to personally sharpen a bow saw
  • Be able to name the 4 parts of a bow saw
  • Carrying a Bow Saw: Muzzled
  • Passing a Bow Saw: Muzzled. Grasp the saw frame above the blade. The handle should point toward the receiver. The receiver grasps the handle. (Right hand to left hand or left hand to right hand…Thank you, you're welcome)
HAND AX (p.335-336)
  • For Adventure and Expedition Rangers only
  • Be able to name the 14 parts of a hand ax
  • Carrying a Hand Ax: Sheathed. Hold the handle close to the ax head, which is to be tilted away from the body. Should be carried facing backward in a backpack.

  • Passing a Hand Ax: Grasp the handle close to the head with the handle pointed away from you and the blade tilted to the side. (Right hand to left hand or left hand to right hand…Thank you, you're welcome).

  • For Expedition Rangers only
  • Carrying a Long-handled or three-quarter ax: Sheathed. Hold the handle close to the ax head, which is to be tilted away from the body. (All long handled tools should be carried in the same manner)
  • Passing a Long-handled or three-quarter ax: Grasp the handle about two handholds below the knob. Pass the axe with the blade away from you and the one to whom you are passing it. The receiver grasps the handle just above the passer's hand. (Right hand to left hand or left hand to right hand…Thank you, you're welcome).
  • Wear gloves
  • Hold the knife handle in your right hand. Place the whetstone on a solid object like a table or bench and hold it in place with your left hand (reverse the order if you're left handed).  Use a clockwise circular motion and apply steady pressure on the whetstone with the blade as you push away. Keep the angle constant. Keep the stone wet... Work counterclockwise on the other side of the blade
  • At least 6-feet radius clearance

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