The sky's the limit 

for these guys


 Wheeler Peak, NV Hike

8.4 Miles - Elev. 13306

Jul 2-5, 2004

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A real mountain lake


It's S-N-O-W-I-N-G!


Everyone throws snowballs at Commander Mark

Alex is ready for a serious battle

It's all uphill


The sky's the limit here


God sure does love color!


Cody and Ryan hiking up the switchbacks

Cody and Ryan stop to breathe (and look at 

the valley floor)

Must Rest. Need Rest.



Some nice mule deer bucks



Mountain flowers



Quick, call 911, Cody got hit by an snowball!

More flowers at 12,000 feet


Andrew finds a fossil


A Rosy Finch 

(only nests above 7000')

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