Royal Ranger Emblem

Royal Rangers
Outpost 55
Trinity Life Center



Ranger Derby Races

Recently Outpost 55 hosted the Southern Nevada Section Ranger Derby.  The outpost ran our Pinewood Derby earlier in the morning to qualify racers for the section race after.  
   To see images of our race:  CLICK HERE

To see the Southern Nevada Section Race later in the day:  

Click here to connect to Trinity Life Center website
Trinity Life Center

1000 E. St. Louis Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 89104
Phone:  702-734-2223



Paiute Section - Royal Rangers of Southern Nevada

Royal Rangers Emblem © 1962 by the national Royal Rangers Office, The General Council of the Assemblies of God; Springfield, Missouri 65802-1894. The Royal Rangers Emblem may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronically, mechanically, photocopies, recording, or otherwise—without prior written permission from the national Royal Rangers Office.