Royal Rangers of Southern Nevada

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     The Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship (FCF), originally called Frontiersmen Camping Fraternity, was founded during the summer of 1966. The Fellowship began as a way to reward for the older boys and men who had distinguished themselves in advancement, training, and camping.


Upcoming:   FCF National Events





     The FCF member must demonstrate courage during a night of testing before he can qualify as a member. Many of the tests he will face demand a courageous spirit and will be a life-changing experience.
      Successful completion of the FCF program will achieve five important things for the boys and men: 
a demonstration of courage and leadership, development of friendships and woodsmanship, and a display of achievement.



FCF Membership Application


 For more information on Paiute Section FCF activities, 
please send: John
'Whitefeather' Collins an email at: or call:  702-810-7940


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Assemblies of God

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